Health And Safety File Ohasa Shefile No Templates

SHe Files Wizard ™

At the heart of the SHe Files App, is the SHe Files Wizard ™.  This user-friendly Wizard will guide you through the process of telling the App what you will be doing on site.  The SHe Files Wizard ™ will then create all the Appointments and Registers that are required by Law.



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Save Time

A SHE file (Health and Safety File) is a very time-consuming document to create, and very easy to make mistakes with site names, editing previous documents, scanning licences, certificates, appointments, registers, etc... SHe Files will let you capture your Company and Employee details once, then re-use them with every SHE file you publish.

So once you’ve done your initial set-up, you can create a SHe File in 20 minutes!!  Just click, print, and you have a file!

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Save Money

SHe Files is a great money saver, costing you R900.00 incl. VAT for 4 files.  That’s just R225.00 per file.  If you go to a H&S Consultant, expect to pay from R3,000 to R10,000 for the same Health & Safety File.  In anyone’s terms, that’s a major saving!

So R225.00 (that’s less than what a spade costs!) gets you onto site, legally, quickly and without the stress of rushing for your old site Health and Safety file to copy and edit, or waiting for a consultant to fit you in to his diary.

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Avoid Prosecution

Health and Safety is a serious business – it’s becoming more “in the eye” than ever before, and will continue to do so – and the Department of Labour will not turn a blind eye if there is an accident due to ignorance of the Law.  The penalties are staggering and do often lead to closure of a business, and criminal prosecution of the owners.

We, the developers of SHe Files, know that a Health and Safety file is a real challenge the first time, and we’ve developed the App to assist SME’s and EME’s with legal compliance.

Do not get caught on the wrong side of the Law – the consequences are harsh!!  And yes, having the wrong site name on your appointment letter will be classified as non-compliant – rather be safe than sorry, and let SHe Files make your entire Health & Safety file Site Specific and compliant.

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